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401K Plan Sponsors

The 3 R’s

Recruit. Retain. Reward.

The 3 R’s 401k plan advisors have been touting for decades. So, why isn’t it working then? What if using your 401k plan SOLELY as a financial benefit is your biggest problem you have with your 401k plan? What does that even mean? 

Our Promise

We have designed the Intentional 401k(™), which completely tears down all characteristics that you think of about a 401k wealth manager. Boring, dry, disconnected, waste of time. 

This is feedback we’ve heard about the 401k industry in general. We have figured out how to turn your 401k plan into a plan that is engaging, inspiring, motivating and that can align your workforce to the culture and values that your leadership espouses.  

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It all begins with erasing all of your preconceptions of what a 401k plan is, and how it should be used.

It should not be viewed solely as a financial benefit.  We view the 401k plan as a communications tool that helps your workforce to align their purpose with yours.  From this perspective, it allows us to act as an extension of your leadership as we explore what motivates, inspires and activates your employees outside of work.

If you’ve ever had a motivational culture coach come speak to your organization, you know the value they bring.  The issue is that as time goes by, and their time with your organization fades out of sight, the lessons taught fade away and the energy and focus returns to its mean.  With us, we never exit the conversations.  We’re meeting with your workforce on a quarterly basis.  So, we’re able to keep our finger on the pulse of the culture and utilize this plan as an echo chamber for your leadership’s initiatives.


We have proven to others that we can decrease your costs (sometimes significantly) at the same time as we vastly improve your experience for both your leadership, your HR and your individual participants.

We’d love to take a look at your employee census, provide some quick analysis and feedback, and earn the right to impact your workforce in the meaningful way we’re designed to.

Ready to rip with us and see what your 401k plan repurposed looks like?