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The Process

The process starts with understanding your most authentic inner world, your limiting patterns, and the potential that exists for your highest self.  

We continue with the identification of the 5 essential domains of wealth: 1) Budgeting/Spending; 2) Earning; 3) Beliefs/Understanding; 4) Risk Management; 5) Wealth Building/Planning.

Once we've identified your core instincts, beliefs and understanding and connected each to the 5 domains of wealth, we analyze your current financial & investing behaviors. 

This all culminates in the most aligned, precision financial priorities, rooted in the motivations that bring you the most intrinsic joy in your life.  

Our mission is to transform the way we all determine our financial goals & priorities.

The Intentional Foundation

With James’ specific story, Intentional created The Intentional Foundation, a 501c3 that will host special annual events that raises funding for any of our 4 pillars: 1) Pediatric Rare Disease; 2) Cancer; 3) Mental Health; 4) Veterans

Through these events we are able to utilize our Intetional community to serve the most vulnerable, underserved, and under appreciated in our country.