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Professional Athletes

Transparency and Teamwork is the Name of the Game

There is no other profession we can think of that more closely attaches its workforce’s personal identities with their professional titles and responsibilities than that of a professional athlete in America. There are a lot of positives with this relationship. However, there are also quite a few concerns that can arise.  Mainly, after the playing days are over.

There’s also the dilemma of knowing who to trust. More important, is knowing HOW to trust. You can’t trust blindly. You need to trust but verify. How can you verify if you’re on the road and working on your craft, though? It’s all about how you build your team. Trust the team, not one individual. Make sure your teammates don’t share the same stakeholders. 

In other words, don’t trust one firm to be your accountant, wealth manager, attorney, and have access to your bank accounts. 

Verifying comes from each of the teammates implementing the team checks and balances established with your best interests in mind.

Once you make it as a professional athlete in America, you are your own business owner. As such, we treat you with the same processes and systems we do our business owners.

Our Promise

We promise to utilize our Intentional Way Process to help you to identify what motivates the way you think, feel and act.  These are truths long before you signed any pro sports contract.  They also inform us of ways that your core motivators can hurt and/or help you in your wealth management.

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Step 1
Step 1: Wealth Identity Assessment
The Wealth Identity Assessment identifies what motivates the way you think, feel and act.
step 2
Step 2: Meet with us to discuss your key motivators identified
Your results highlight the style that you most resonate with, and the
likely strengths and weaknesses associated with this style
step 3
Step 3: Meet with us to understand how we've connected your results to your nine areas of wealth management.
This conversation, builds on your Wealth Identify Assessment
results, focusing on who and what matters most to you
step 4
Step 4: Review Your Intentional Life Plan
After we use our discovery in the previou steps and create your Intentional Life Plan, we meet to review whether the plan designed for you inspires, movitvates, and impacts you in the way desired.
step 5
Step 5: Ongoing Monitoring
Once you confirmed that your Intentoinal Life Plan is exactly what your soul has been telling you for your entire life, we meet at least annually to make sure we understand if any changes have occurred that require meaningful changes to the plan.
Ongoing: Monitor your Intentional Life Plan at least annually
We want to ensure that as your mindset and priorities change,
your Intentional Life Plan changes too

Join the Professional Athlete Collaborative

To get started, sign up to become a member of our Professional Athlete Collaborative.  We’d also love to have a quick conversation with you about how your team looks today, and what improvements we can help you to make to that team for tomorrow and beyond.